
Govt. of Assam accorded sanction for installation of STW under Projects – “Installation of 1 Lakh Shallow Tube Wells” and “10,000 Solar PV Powered STW” under RIDF(STW Scheme) commencing from 2016-17.

Read in Assamese : RIDF STW Scheme

Eligibility criteria:

  • Small or marginal individual farmer or group of farmers having minimum 2 hectare (15 bigha) of contiguous cultivable agricultural land shall be eligible for subsidy.
  • In case of STW with Electrical Pump-set in cluster of 10 Nos. with 25 KVA Sub-station and in cluster of 30 Nos. with 63 KVA Sub-station, the area of cultivable land should be 20 hectare (150 bigha) and 60 hectare (450 bigha) respectively and the total area must be a contiguous cultivable agricultural land.
  • A premium of Rs 2,500/-(Two Thousand Five Hundred only) for each STW of the cluster in the form of Fixed Deposit/ NSC drawn in favour of self and pledged in favour of EE(Agri.)/ AEE(Agri.) of the District.
  • In case of Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System of Surface pump (2HP) and Submersible Pump (2HP) a premium of Rs 10,000/- in the form of Fixed Deposit drawn in favour of self and pledged in favour of EE(Agri.)/ AEE(Agri.) of the District.
  • The premium deposited against Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System will be refunded to the beneficiary after satisfactory installation of SPV system.
  • The premium deposited against cluster of STW shall be refunded to the beneficiaries after commissioning of cluster STW & Sub-station.
  • The power drawn from the 25 KVA or 63 KVA sub-station by the cluster shall be utilised exclusively for agriculture purpose only. No diversion of power or used otherwise shall be permitted. Premium amount deposited by the participating beneficiaries in a cluster shall be forfeited in case of diversion of power by any beneficiary of the cluster.
  • For the provision of 25KVA and 63KVA sub-station, total 10 nos. and 30 nos. of applications respectively shall be submitted in a lot along with a cover letter in plain paper jointly signed by the applicants.
  • In case of Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System consisting of Surface Pump (2HP), farmers share (i.e. 15% of cost of SPV Pumping system of Rs 1,87,489.00) amounting to Rs.28,123/= in the form of bank draft, drawn in favour of the supplier, will be deposited to the District Engineer.
  • In case of Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System consisting of Submersible Pump (2HP), farmers share (i.e. 15% of cost of SPV Pumping system of Rs 2,09,449.00) amounting to Rs. 31,417/= in the form of bank draft, drawn in favour of the supplier, will be deposited to the District Engineer.
  • In case of STW with Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System, construction of water storage tank shall be constructed by the beneficiaries from their own resources as per approved drawing & specification. Subsidy for the same shall be reimbursed as per provision as stated below. However, construction of water storage tank is optional.

And also Read:

E-District Assam Registration 2020

Admissible subsidy for the components of different types of STW
SN Types of STW Power (hp) *Boring depth (mtr) Name of components Approved unit cost Subsidy pattern Maximum admissible subsidy (Rs.)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
1. STW with Diesel Centrifugal Pump-set 4 & 5 45 a) Installation of STW including boring materials* Rs.31,430/- 50% Rs.15,715/-
b) Diesel Centrifugal Pump-set Rs.32,350/- 50% Rs.16,175/-
Total Rs.63,780/- Rs.31,890/-
2. STW with Electrical Centrifugal Pump-set 2 45 a) Installation of STW including boring materials* Rs.31,430/- 50% Rs.15,715/-
b) Electrical Centrifugal Pump-set Rs.13,600/- 50% Rs.6,800/-
Total Rs.45,030/- Rs.22,515/-
3. STW with Electrical Submersible Pump-set 1.5 & 2 60 a) Installation of STW including boring materials* Rs.73,295/- 50% Rs.36,648/-
b) Electrical Submersible   Pump-set Rs.12,150/- 50% Rs.6,075/-
Total Rs.85,445/- Rs.42,723/-
4. STW with SPV Water Pumping System consisting of Surface Pump 2 45 a) Installation of STW including boring materials* Rs.31,430/- 50% Rs.15,715/-
b) Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System consisting of Surface Pump Rs.1,87,489/- 85% Rs.1,59,366/-
c) Construction of water storage tank of capacity 10,000 litre (optional) Rs.74,000/- 85% Rs.62,900/-
Total with tank Rs. 2,92,919/- Rs. 2,37,981/-
Total without tank Rs. 2,18,919/- Rs. 1,75,081/-
5. STW with SPV Water Pumping System consisting of Submersible Pump 2 60 a) Installation of STW including boring materials* Rs.73,295/- 50% Rs. 36,648/-
b) Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System consisting of Submersible Pump Rs.2,09,449/- 85% Rs.1,78,032/-
c) Construction of water storage tank of capacity 10,000 litre (optional) Rs.74,000/- 85% Rs.62,900/-
Total with tank Rs. 3,56,744/- Rs. 2,77,580/-
Total without tank Rs. 2,82,744/- Rs. 2,14,680/-
In case of installation of STW, subsidy @50% shall be calculated on actual depth of boring measured & recorded by District Engineers. No subsidy is admissible on any cost incurred beyond the boring depth shown at column-4.
Funding pattern for available provisions
SN Available Provisions Amount as per provision Funding pattern
1. Provision of 25 KVA Sub-station for Cluster of 10 Nos. STW with Electrical Pump-set Rs.2,21,553/- Excess amount beyond the provision shall be deposited by the beneficiaries of the cluster to APDCL in advance.
2. Provision of 63 KVA Sub-station for Cluster of 30 Nos. STW with Electrical Pump-set Rs.2,75,353/-
3. Provision for connection of 3 Phase 11 KV Line with PSC Pole & ACSR Raccoon Conductor etc. up to 1Km from the last point of existing electrical power source to newly installed sub-station in addition to Provision at Sl.1 or Sl.2 as per site specific need.

also Read my Blog : Janardan Neog

Application process:

The application form (Annexure-I) for STW shall be available with the EE(A) / AEE(A) / NGO of the District.  Guideline, Application form etc. are available in the web site _____________________.
The District NGO shall collect duly filled application forms along with related documents and submit to the EE(A) / AEE(A) of the respective district (to be called here-in-after as District Engineer) for placing before District Level selection Committee (DLSC). District NGO will assist the farmers in filling up the form.

Selection of Beneficiaries:

The District Engineer will prepare a list of beneficiaries on first come first serve basis and place the same before the DLSC. The DLSC will select the list of beneficiaries eligible for availing subsidy for installation of STW with Pump-set/ SPV Pumping system.

District Level Selection Committee (DLSC):

A District Level Selection Committee (DLSC) comprising the following members shall be constituted –
  1. Deputy Commissioner or his representative not below the rank of ADC – Chairman
  2. Joint Director of Agriculture of respective Zone – Member
  3. District Agricultural Officer or his representative (not below the rank of SDAO) – Member
  4. AGM/ Manager concern from APDCL – Special invitee
  5. District Development Manager, NABARD – Member
  6. Lead Bank Manager of the District – Member
  7. EE(Agri) / AEE(Agri) of the respective District (District Engineer) – Member Secretary
  8. Representative from District NGO – Member
  9. Two farmers (one male & one female) nominated by the District Agricultural Officer – Member
The DLSC will be notified by the Joint Director of Agriculture of respective Zone. The list of the selected beneficiaries along with minutes of DLSC will be displayed in the Notice Board of the office of the EE(A)/ AEE(A) of the district and shall be uploaded in the website ____________________

Role of District NGO:

To facilitate community/ beneficiary participation and smooth implementation, one NGO is engaged in each District for following activities -
  1. NGOs will work in close coordination with the office of the District Engineer. The District Engineer will monitor the activities of the NGOs under their respective districts and report to the Director of Agriculture, Assam and Chief Engineer, Agriculture, Assam.
  2. To help in disseminating project information amongst the Farmers/ Farmers Group.
  3. To help in organizing district/block/village level awareness/training/orientation on various issues of the project including technical, environmental and social.
  4. To make aware the farmers and collect applications for STWs from intending beneficiaries and submit to the respective District Engineer.
  5. To help the participating Farmers /Farmers Group in filling up the application form, keep liaison between DDM, NABARD and lead bank manager and interact with the appropriate authority on arrangement of required documents, receiving bank loan etc.
  6. To aware the farmers for optimum use of irrigation water.
  7. To ensure effective project documentation and maintenance of STWs by the Farmer / Farmers groups.
  8. To record GPS readings of newly installed STWs in the prescribed formats.
  9. To collect water samples for chemical testing from the sites and delivered to the designated testing laboratory as per requirement and direction of the implementing office in prescribed format.
  10. Any other related activities in the implementation of the project.
Installation of STW by beneficiary:

The District Engineer, on receipt of approved list from DLSC, shall issue a sanction letter as per format in Annexure-II in favour of the selected beneficiary after obtaining an undertaking as per format at Annexure-III from the beneficiary and allow the beneficiary to proceed for installation of the STW.
In case of applications received for installation of STW with Electrical Pump-set in a cluster of 10 nos. or 30 nos. of STW, the District Engineer shall issue a specific sanction letter (Annexure-II-A) indicating  provisions allowed (i.e. 25KVA sub-station / 63KVA sub-station / Connection of 3 Phase 11 KV Line) on the strength of Estimate & Demand Note received from APDCL. The District Engineer will obtain an undertaking as per format at Annexure-VI from the beneficiaries.
Prior to installation of STW, the District Engineer will ensure that the ground water is free from Arsenic & Fluoride contamination. The ground water test report of PHE or any other Govt. Department may be consulted. List of Blocks identified having Arsenic & Fluoride affected ground water is uploaded in the website__________________________
The installation of STW and construction of water storage tank (optional) to be done by the beneficiary themselves under the supervision of technical staff of respective District Engineer. Materials required for boring of STW and construction of storage tank shall be procured by the beneficiary themselves from the open market as per specification laid down in the approved Model Estimates with Drawings enclosed at Annexure-IV-A, Annexure-IV-B & Annexure-IV-C.
Empanelment of contractor /skilled Artisan for installation of STW and construction of water storage tank:
  1. The Agriculture Department will invite Expression of Interest (EOI) from eligible contractor of Agriculture Department and skilled artisan for engagement for the purpose of installation of STW and construction of storage tank as per provision and estimate of storage tank and as per choice of beneficiary.
  2. District wise list of empanelled contractor/skilled artisan will be published by the District Engineer engaged through a departmental procedure.
  3. The District Engineer will engage contractor /skilled artisan for the purpose as per choice of beneficiary and would invite the contractor/ skilled artisan to execute the work in the field of beneficiary concerned.
  4. The beneficiaries opted for engagement of contractor/skilled artisan would deposit 50% of beneficiary share for STW and 15% of beneficiary share of water storage tank in the form of bank draft in favour of the empanelled contractor/skilled artisan engaged for the job on receipt of sanction order of STW and water storage tank accorded by the District Engineer.
  5. The amount deposited by the beneficiary for installation of STW and construction of water storage tank shall be adjusted by the district Engineer in the final bill prepared against the respective work and will reflect in the claim submitted for release of Govt. share.
  6. The eligible Govt. share for installation of STW and construction of water storage tank executed through empanelled contractor/ skilled artisan shall be released directly to the contractor/ skilled artisan through RTGS.
Procurement of Pump-set for STW:
  1. Procurement of Diesel & Electrical Pump-set:
In case of STW with Diesel Centrifugal Pump-set, the Pump-set shall to be procured by the beneficiary as per their choice of brand at the Dealer’s price registered in the GOI portal (www. The brand and rate extracted from the portal by way of downloading shall be certified by the respective District Engineer. After procurement of Pump-set, the District Engineer or his representative will physically verify the same.
In case of STW with Electrical Pump-set, the Pump-set shall to be procured by the beneficiary as per their choice of brand at the Dealer’s price registered in the GOI portal (www. The brand and rate extracted from the portal by way of downloading shall be certified by the respective District Engineer. After procurement of Pump-set, the District Engineer or his representative will physically verify the same.
  1. Procurement of Solar Photovoltaic Pumping System:
On receipt of beneficiary shares, respective District Engineers shall issue work order to the Supplier/ Contractor of the category of the SPV pumping system against concerned beneficiaries as per contract agreement with intimation to the Chief Engineer, Agriculture. Name of consignee, details of beneficiary, location for installation, completion time etc. shall be specified in the work order.
Sum total of quantity of SPV pumping systems for which work order has been placed by the District Engineers shall not exceed the quantity for which contract agreement executed by the Supplier/ Contractor and Performance Bank Guarantee pledged, at any point of time.
Scope of work as agreed by vendor of Solar Photovoltaic Pumping System is enclosed at Annexure-IX.

Disbursement of Subsidy:
  1. For installation of STW including boring materials and water storage tank:
On completion of installation of STW and Water storage tank, the District Engineer will submit claim as per format at Annexure***** for release of admissible subsidy through RTGS in favour of            
  1. Beneficiary who has installed the STW and constructed water storage tank, as the case may be, from their own resources.
  2. Empanelled contractor/ skilled artisan, entrusted by the District Engineer for installation of STW and Water storage tank, as the case may be.
1st & Final Bill will be prepared by the District Engineer and will record the measurement in MB against installation of each STW and Water storage tank. The Bill and MB will be retained by the District Engineer for future verification and audit etc.
Compiled list of beneficiaries with address, Bank Account No, Bank Branch, IFS Code alongwith the name of contractor/ skilled artisan engaged in respect of the beneficiary with their bank particulars in Excel file (soft copy) will be submitted by the District Engineer.
  1. For Diesel / Electrical Centrifugal Pump-set and Electrical Submersible Pump-set:
In case of Pump-set procured by the beneficiary’s own financial resources, the subsidy will be disbursed to the beneficiary account directly observing the laid down procedure of DBT, prescribed by the Govt. subject to submission of following documents by the District Engineer to the Chief Engineer Agriculture, Assam.
  1. Copy of Tax-invoice & delivery Challan of Pump-set signed by the beneficiary and countersigned by the District Engineer.
  2. Copy of Report on Physical Verification & GPS reading for Installation of STW as per (Annexure-V).
  3. Photograph of beneficiary with the Pump-set duly certified by the District Engineer.
  4. Compiled list of beneficiaries with proper address, showing details of brand, model, price of the Pump-set, Bank Account No, Bank Branch, IFS Code in Excel file (soft copy).
  1. Release of fund for the provision of 25 KVA Sub-station , 63 KVA Sub-station and Connection of 3 Phase 11 KV Line (as per site specific need):
Fund for actual amount will be disbursed by the Agriculture Department to the APDCL as per Estimate submitted by APDCL, after deduction of excess amount beyond the provision paid in advance by the beneficiaries, if any. The fund will be deposited to the officer concerned of APDCL on submission of the following documents by the District Engineer to the Chief Engineer Agriculture, Assam.
  1. Copy of specific Sanction letter for the Provisions from the District Engineer;
  2. Copy of Provisional Sanction with Estimate & Demand Note from APDCL;
  3. Copy of money receipt against deposit of advance payment to APDCL for the Provisions by the applicants;
  4. Contract Agreement between District Engineer & APDCL (as per standard format of APDCL)
  5. Copy of undertaking submitted by the beneficiaries of cluster as per format at Annexure-VI.
  6. A certificate from the District Engineer on completion of installation of STWs and procurement of Pump-sets under cluster.
  1. Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System:
  1. Payment of beneficiary share as mobilization advance:
Beneficiary shall deposit their share as per sanction accorded by the District Engineer, in the form of bank draft in favour of the respective Supplier/ Contractor, to the District Engineer. After placing of system components at the site of beneficiary and on receipt of confirmation about the same the District Engineers shall release the beneficiary shares to the Supplier/ Contractors against which work order has been placed with intimation to the Chief Engineer, Agriculture as mobilization advance.
  1. Payment of Govt. share (subsidy) as Final payment:
For releasing of Govt. share by the Chief Engineer, Agriculture as final payment to the Supplier/Contractor against the commissioning of the SPV pumping system, the Supplier/ Contractor shall produce the following documents through the respective District Engineers:
  1. Tax Invoice in triplicate along with delivery challan for SPV Pumping system.
  2. Physical Verification Report (Annexure-V) jointly signed by Supplier/ Contractor, respective District Engineer and the beneficiary,
  3. Coloured photograph(s) of SPV array, pump, controller/ inverter duly certified by the respective District Engineer,
  4. Handing over certificate of the SPV pumping system to the beneficiary jointly signed by the beneficiary and Supplier/ Contractor and countersigned by the respective District Engineer.
  5. Performance report based on data received from remote monitoring system or data logger in cases, where internet services are not available.
  6. Certificate from any license holder Contractor/ supervisor, certifying that all electrical works are carried out in accordance with applicable electrical safety standards prescribed by APDCL/ Govt. Of Assam.
  7. Certificate for civil work (such as installation of mounting structure etc.) certified by the District Engineers.
  1. For Construction of water storage tank (optional):
In case of water storage tank constructed by the beneficiary’s own financial resources, the subsidy will be disbursed to the beneficiary account directly observing the laid down procedure of DBT, prescribed by the Govt. subject to submission of following documents by the District Engineer to the Chief Engineer Agriculture, Assam.
  1. 1st & Final Bill in duplicate & MB record against construction of water storage tank.
  2. Photograph of beneficiary with the water storage tank certified by the District Engineer.
  3. Compiled list of beneficiaries with proper address, Bank Account No, Bank Branch, IFS Code in Excel file (soft copy).
Credit Linking:
In case of beneficiary opted for installation of STW with Diesel/Electrical/ SPV Pump-set through bank loan, the District Engineer shall send a proposal against total project cost including cost of installation of STW and cost of Pump-set, to the bank branch indicated by the beneficiary along with the following documents –
  1. Guideline of the scheme
  2. Sanction Order from District Engineer
  3. Copy of application form submitted by the beneficiary
  4. Quotation for Pump-set proposed to procure by the beneficiary
  5. Approved estimate for installation of STW
  6. Copy of undertaking from beneficiary as per format at Annexure-III
In case of beneficiary opted for installation of STW with SPV Pumping system through bank loan, the District Engineer shall send a proposal against cost of installation of STW, cost of construction of water storage tank and beneficiary’s share for SPV Pumping system (as the case may be) to the bank branch indicated by the beneficiary along with the following documents –
  1. Guideline of the scheme
  2. Sanction Order from District Engineer
  3. Copy of application form submitted by the beneficiary
  4. Approved estimate for installation of STW
  5. Approved estimate for construction of water storage tank (optional)
  6. Copy of undertaking from beneficiary as per format at Annexure-III
The respective bank branch would consider the proposal as per laid down procedure and issue loan sanction order with a copy to the District Engineer. Bank branch will submit claim for reimbursement of subsidy to the Director of Agriculture through respective District Engineer as per format enclosed at Annexure VII. On receipt of claim from the Bank, the eligible subsidy will be transferred to the bank in favour of the beneficiary observing necessary formalities to be followed in DBT system.
Utilization of STW:
For optimum utilization of Irrigation potential created, the ADO, Agriculture Extension Assistant would prepare crop plan for each STW and Irrigation plan for each crop. Water utilization and crop production report shall be prepared by the DAO.
Duration of Service:
  1. In case of STW with Diesel / Electrical Pump-set the duration of service for STW & Pump-set is 10 years from the date of commissioning.
  2. In case of STW with Solar Photovoltaic Water Pumping System the duration of service for STW & Pump-set is 10 years and Solar Photovoltaic system is 20 years from the date of commissioning.
Monitoring & Evaluation:
  1. Monitoring of the scheme would be done periodically by the Departmental officers as well as Third party may be engaged by the Department.
  2. Within 15 days of release of subsidy, uploading of beneficiaries’ data and Geo-tagging of every STW in Departmental website and ‘Bhuvan’ Platform shall be carried out. District NGO shall assist in this regard. Beneficiaries’ data in Excel file & hard copies shall be made available for the same purpose by the District Engineer.
  3. Water samples testing of each STW shall be done in the designated testing laboratory. District NGO monitored by District Engineer shall play their role in this regard.
  4. The District Engineer shall properly maintain a Record Keeping Register of STW with Diesel/ Electrical Pump-set / SPV Pumping system recording Engine No., Pump No., Serial No., beneficiaries’ name & address etc. as per format at Annexure-VIII.
  5. The operation & maintenance of the STW & Pump-set shall be done by the beneficiary. The beneficiary shall clean the PV panels on weekly basis so that the performance of the solar panels remains optimum. The cost of maintenance of the Pump-sets is to be borne by the beneficiary.
  6. During the life time (duration of service) of the Pump-set/ SPV system, beneficiary shall not sell or transfer the Pump-set/ SPV system to any other party. In case the beneficiary without written approval of the Agriculture Department sells the Pump-set/ SPV system, appropriate legal action would be initiated against the beneficiary.
  7. Beneficiary shall be responsible for any damage, loss and theft of the Pump-set, SPV system including Solar PV Panel, etc.
  8. Officials of Agriculture Department or any other Agency / Officials, as authorized, shall inspect the STW at any time to ensure its utilization. Log Book and the Cultivation Register duly maintained by the beneficiary shall be open for verification by the Officials.
  9. In case of any dispute related to the scheme, the Director of Agriculture shall resolve the issue amicably.
Director of Agriculture,
Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati-22
Chief Engineer, Agriculture,
Assam, Khanapara, Guwahati-22